On 14 November 2023 the BIPT celebrated its 30th anniversary together with its stakeholders in Autoworld in Brussels.
During that evening under the theme of “Regulatory challenges in a new digital era”, the BIPT and its guests looked back on the BIPT’s achievements, but mainly looked forward to the challenges ahead.
The event wrap-up video features the highlights of the evening. For those who want to relive the speeches in full, all of the interventions are available by clicking on the pictures below.

Wrap-up of the event
Event wrap-up video summarising the essence of the BIPT’s 30th anniversary celebration.
The regulatory landscape will be facing several new issues in the coming months and years. Various national and international speakers gave their visions on the challenges ahead in a keynote speech.

Renate Nikolay
Europe at a crossroads
Renate Nikolay, Deputy Director-General of DG Connect of the European Commission, stressed that Europe stands at a crossroads and the question is whether it will be winning or losing the digital race. She called on regulators, national governments and European bodies to cooperate, so that Europe would stand firm in the global digital contest.

Jan Eeckhout
The Profit Paradox
Jan Eeckhout, professor of Economics at the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona, aptly clarified the importance of competition, as explained in his book “The Profit Paradox. How Thriving Firms Threaten the Future of Work”.

Nathalie Smuha
Regulating the risks of generative AI
Artificial intelligence (AI) has taken a central role in the digital future. Nathalie Smuha is investigating the legal and ethical implications of AI at the KU Leuven and the University of Chicago. She explained how AI will be regulated in Europe and analysed the question whether the EU AI Act is up to the task.

Bruno Dumas
Unpacking the Black Boxes
Bruno Dumas, professor at the UNamur Faculty of Computer Science, gave the audience insight into the AI algorithms with special attention for the role of end users towards assessing the explainability of AI.
Throughout this theme evening various speakers addressed the audience through video messages:

Petra De Sutter
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Telecommunication and the Postal Services
including the stakeholders at the consumer and sector side, by way of: